Pujya Baba Ramdevji, Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji – Muniji and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji blessed and graced a special wedding in New Jersey of Vidhi and Romell Bhaala. The couple was especially blessed by the saints presence and their families were inspired by their words on the importance of cultivating divine love and maintaining sanskaras in their lives. Georgy Bhaala, Editor-in-Chief Taathasu Magazine, expressed his deepest gratitude for being blessed by the saints. The wedding celebrations were joined by Head of the TV Asia, Shri HR Shahji, renowned bhajan singer Shri Anup Jalotaji, Sufi singer Shri Hans Raj Hansji and many others.
Pujya Swami Ramdevji blessed the couple by sharing, “In business and in our professional lives we may live with our brains but in our personal relationships and at home we must live with our hearts. Remember love is the key and that maintaining a happy and harmonious married life is also yoga and that is the divine union you are beginning today.”
Pujya Swamiji blessed them with his message, “What truly matters in life is not how many relationships we have in our lives but how much life we have in our relationships. Our Hindu traditions teach us that love is the magic key, especially in marriage the greatest mantra is ‘Ok Honey.’ It doesn’t matter who says it to whom but its important that at the end of the day you remember this is the key to maintaining the sweetness in your relationship.”
Sadhvi Bhagawatiji shared in her beautiful blessing, “I always like to remind people that in marriage you have two choices, either you can be right or you can be married. So in every opportunity together you have the opportunity to choose whether its more important to be right or to choose the path of a peaceful and harmonious marriage. Remember that by doing so you are not giving up anything but rather you are actively playing a crucial role to build a strong and resilient future for yourself and your family. As Pujya Swamiji and Pujya Swami Ramdevji mentioned that when we choose love all else, success, prosperity, happiness and harmony, follow. So, may you choose love today and always.”
To watch more of their full speeches click the links below:
Pujya Baba Ramdevji’s speech:
Pujya Swamiji’s speech: https://www.facebook.com/PujyaSwamiji/videos/1521881514542042/?hc_ref=ARR8FVhji1PkDOLnKczTafD4Yf03FJX89mlwZWh3P1kWXsF4QHB6WIp0sV9yBhRMTfQ&pnref=story
Sadhviji’s speech: https://www.facebook.com/SadhviBhagawatiSaraswati/videos/835541683280668/?hc_ref=ARRiWR_1FAM9QcmE2DFUI1P42ArekN80zPmELJXF_g4H9mZhQs6hwA65mA_vxuFTb0U&pnref=story