letter read as follows,
have one (1) question for you, Swamiji, In this busy world
where there is so much going on and there is so much to do
in just one working day, I find it difficult to slow down my
thoughts and to sit down to pray in the evenings everyday
when i return from work. How do you I focus on God? How do I
sit down for even 10 minutes and focus on him? Could you
advice me?"
answer is simple: My dear, just love God. When you love Him,
truly, then the focus will come automatically. When we love
someone we don't have to remind ourselves to think about
them. We automatically think about them, whether we are
driving the car, riding in the elevator, taking a shower,
anything! The object of our love is always in our minds. If
we pass an ice-cream shop and we know that our beloved loves
ice-cream, we will automatically remember the beloved. If we
pass a street sign that has some letters of the name of our
beloved, we will see the beloved's name in the sign! When we
see a beautiful sunset or hear a beautiful song, we
automatically remember our beloved.
don't need to take a mala to chant the name of our beloved.
If we love Radha we don't need a rudraksha mala to chant
"Radha, Radha, Radha." Rather, our heart chants
Radha with every breath. Our beloved's name is never far
from our lips or heart.
In the same way, when we love God, His name and His presence
are always with us. The mala is a tool we use until the love
and presence flow automatically. But, don't worry too
much about focusing on God. Rather focus on loving Him!
Through loving Him you will find that you are always focused
on Him.
But how to love Him? Where to start? Practice gratitude.
Every day thank Him for everything you've been given: your
legs to get up and walk, your hands to perform duties, your
eyes to see, your ears to hear, your tongue to taste. Think
about all the people in the world who are handicapped and
don't have these facilities. Then think about how lucky you
are to have them. Think about how blessed you are to have
enough to eat, to have a bed to sleep in, to have family who
love you. Think about how blessed you are to have an
education. Realize the number of illiterate, starving,
abandoned children in the world. Realize the number of
widows, widowers, refugees and homeless people. Count
your blessings.
As you thank Him each day for all your blessings, you will
find that love for Him grows in your heart, for it is only
He who has bestowed these blessings upon you. It is only by
His grace that you awake from sleep each morning....
Then, as you start to love Him more and more, you will find
that you automatically focus on Him. Not just for 10 minutes
in your set "meditation" time, but all day every
Then, your breath will become a mala and every inhalation
will chant His name.
love and blessings.
the service of God and humanity,
Chidanand Saraswati
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