flew across the ocean, journeyed alone to Lanka in
search of Sitaji, fought a raging battle against the
demons of Lanka, carried a Himalayan mountain back for
Lakshman and performed so many other feats of
fortitude and courage.
whenever he was praised for his feats and whenever he
was questioned on the source of his strength, his
answer was always the same: Lord Rama. His faith in
God gave him both the courage to attempt these heroic
deeds and also the physical strength to accomplish
month I want to talk not about the details of divine
Hanumanji�s life, but rather about this message of
fearlessness. In
my opinion, omnipresent fear is the most insidious
obstacle to our peace, happiness and progress in life.
When I
say fear, I don�t necessarily mean terror. But,
rather I mean all that makes us anxious, nervous,
tense and in need of controlling our surroundings. The
root of fear is distrust. We have been betrayed,
injured, abused. We decide that the world and those
around us cannot be trusted. In this way, we
lose that faith which is so crucial.
What is
the answer? The answer to fear is to firmly root
ourselves in God (by whatever name, whatever form you
chose). When we realize that God is always with us,
always for us, we will never be afraid regardless of
the circumstances. This is the message that Hanumanji
teaches us and it is also the message the Bhagwan
Krishna gives to Arjuna on the battlefield of
our family and friends may betray us. They may injure
us. But, if we give ourselves to God, if we make our
relationship with Him our first priority then we will
never be broken inside; we will always be cared for.
is a story of a very powerful king. This king prided
himself on being generous and caring for all his
subjects. He would often boast that no one in his
kingdom was hungry or cold or impoverished. Once, a
holy man came to see the king. The king told the holy
man how he provided for everyone in the kingdom so
well. The holy man asked the king to come for a walk.
While they walked in the forest, the king picked up a
large rock by the side of a stream. �Break the
rock,� he ordered the king. The king looked
surprised but immediately told his servant to smash
the rock. As the rock broke open they saw a small
frog, living peacefully in the nutrient-rich water
which had gathered inside the rock. �Have you
provided this as well?� the holy man asked the king.
The king realized that he could not possibly
provide something as perfect, as intricate as this
food and shelter for the frog. He realized that it is
really God who provides for all His subjects
We must
realize that if God can provide for even the smallest
insects, He certainly will provide for us.
I heard a
beautiful story of a young boy on a ship. The ship was
trapped in a large storm and waves rocked the boat
furiously. The passengers screamed and cried and held
each other for dear life. In the midst of this terror
sat a very young boy, calm, composed and angelic. When
asked why he did not cry he answered, �My mother is
here, so I know everything will be all right.� This
feeling we must cultivate. Not only for our physical,
birth mothers, but for the Divine Mother. If the
Divine Mother is here, if God is with us all the time,
then everything will always be all right.
We take
out millions of dollars (or pounds or rupees�) of
insurance to protect our homes, our property, our
cars. But, what about our lives, who will protect our
lives? We must remember our Divine Insurance Company.
We must place all of our faith in Him. He will never
betray us, and we will rest assured knowing that we
are in the best of hands.
time I was on an airplane flying to Chicago. It was
winter time and the plane hit a great deal of
turbulence and stormy weather. The captain�s
panicked voice came over the loadspeaker that everyone
should assume crash position. The passengers screamed;
some even fainted. Everyone grabbed their loved ones
to say their final �good-byes.� I was sitting next
to a very respected professor. As every thing
descended into chaos I was calmly working on my
notepad. �What are you doing?� the professor asked
me. �How can you work? The plane is going to crash.
We are all going to die. What are you possibly working
on?� I told him, �Professor, I am working on
my speech. See, I know that I will be all right. I
have perfect faith in God. But as everyone else is
convinced they will all die, it means I will be the
only survivor of this crash. Therefore, I will have to
give a speech on what it was like to survive this
crash. And as my English is not that perfect I thought
I should start working on it in advance.�
We must
realize that we are God�s children. Just as a child
is never afraid when the mother is near, so we must
never fear. Fear immobilizes us. It freezes us. It
prevents us from thinking clearly. And most of all, it
serves no purpose. No tragedy has ever been prevented
by fear. No catastrophe has ever been averted by
anxiety. No, calm, serene, wise understanding of the
situation coupled with undying faith is what is
is a beautiful story of Swami Vivekananda. He was
giving a speech in America. His message to the world
was, �Stand up. Be fearless. God is with you.� To
test his faith, some people staged a scene during one
of Swamiji�s lectures. In the middle of the lecture
gun shots rang out and bullets whizzed past
Swamiji�s head. The audience screamed and ran for
cover. Some dropped to the floor to protect
themselves. Only Swamiji remained perfectly calm and
composed. Later, as the culprits came to him to seek
his forgiveness they asked how he could have remained
so calm amidst the gunshots and violence. He explained
as follows: �the bullet which is not meant to take
my life will never hit me, even if fired from
point-blank range. The bullet which is meant to take
my life will kill me, even if I am protected by 100
it is now Spring time, the time when everyone does a
�Spring Cleaning.� This Spring, let us renew our
faith in the Supreme. Let us clean out and give away
our fears and our anxieties. Let us put all our
insurance in the Divine Insurance Company. Let us
emulate the life of divine, fearless Hanumanji. Let us
realize that everything is just as it is supposed to
be. We are in the lap of our Mother. How can anything
go wrong?