There is
a beautiful story of a princess
who was suffering from an
undiagnosable illness. She lay in
bed, listless, unable to walk or
to exert herself at all. She had
lost all appetite and her parents
feared she would soon perish. Her
father, the King, called in all
the top doctors and medical
specialists, but none could
either diagnose or cure the young
princess. They gave her
allopathic, homeopathic,
ayurvedic medicines. They gave
her pills, compresses, powders,
massages and mineral baths.
Nothing made even a dent in the
princesss condition. She
continued to lay, limp and mute,
on her bed, staring blankly at
the ceiling above her.
Finally, in
desperation, the King called a revered
holy man, a saint who was worshipped
throughout the kingdom as having divine
knowledge and powers. As soon as the sage
saw the princess, he understood exactly
what was wrong. Pick her up and
place her in the carriage, he
ordered. The King refused. How can
you take this weak, fragile being outside
in the carriage?
Yet, the saint insisted. If you do
not follow my orders, your daughter may
not recover. Wrap her warmly if you like
and place her in the carriage. We will
travel alone. The King had no
choice; his options were exhausted and
none had borne any fruit. He could only
pray that the holy man knew what he was
So the princess was wrapped in the
warmest shawls and gingerly placed --
supported by numerous feather pillows --
in the Kings carriage. The holy man
got in beside her and instructed the
driver where to go. He explained to the
princess as they travelled, I have
a few urgent jobs to take care of on our
way. You can accompany me. They
soon stopped in a poor area on the
outskirts of the Kingdom. The sage
stepped down from the carriage, carrying
large sacks filled with clothing and
food. He walked house to house,
delivering bags of rice, lentils, wheat
to the impoverished villagers.
Soon, he returned to the carriage to
find-- as he had expected -- the princess
sitting up straight in her seat, peering
eagerly over the side of the carriage.
They drove a little ways, and again the
sage stopped the carriage in another
poor, rural village outside the wealthy
kingdom. I need your help in this
village. There is too much for me to
carry, he told the princess. She
barely needed the help of his hand to get
down from the carriage.
The sage carried the heavy bag and gave
the princess the task of handing the food
items and wool sweaters to the grateful
villagers. At the first house, she walked
slowly, delicately, and meekly put her
hand in the large sack to take out the
bags of rice and lentils.
However, by the third house she was
striding confidently down the path, and
by the fifth house she was picking up the
young children to hold them in her arms.
As they walked back to the carriage, she
insisted on helping the saint carry the
sacks of food, and she did not need any
assistance to get back up into the
carriage. Her cheeks were rosy; there was
a beautiful, radiant smile on her face
and a glow in her eyes.
Upon returning to the kingdom, three
short hours after leaving,the princess
nearly jumped out of the carriage and
skipped up the steps to the castle! The
King was amazed! How had the saint cured
his daughter so completely, in such a
short time.
The saint explained, your daughter
was suffering from lack of meaning in
life. She was suffering from the disease
of being spoiled and having every whim
gratified. She was ill from a life being
lived in vain. A journey to the poorest
of the poor, a few hours of giving rather
than taking, the experience of service
and selflessness are the only possible
Thereafter, the princess travelled twice
each week with the saint, back into the
poor villages, distributing food,
clothing and other necessary supplies.
She used her position as princess to help
improve the living conditions of all
those who lived in poverty. She dedicated
herself to helping all those in need.
And she never suffered from a day of
listlessness again...
day people in the West go out, go to
work, earn money and become more
prosperous. Yet, at the end of the day,
when they return home, they are not
happy. What is the true secret to
internal peace and everlasting joy? I
always tell people, "Be
God conscious, not glamour
conscious." Have Him in
the center of your lives and you will
find peace, happiness, meaning and joy.
it is difficult frequently to know HOW to
implement the teaching of God in daily
life. Yes, we should go to temple. Yes,
we must chant His name (any name which
appeals to us -- whether it is Krishna,
Rama, Jesus, Allah or Adonai). Yes, we
must read from His holy words. Yes, we
must pray to Him and offer our lives to
However, what else can we do, so many
people ask, to really become aware of God
-- full of God consciousness -- in our
daily lives? We
can serve His people! Through
service of the poorest of the poor we
come closest to God. It is easy to see
the divine in holy people, easy to serve
those who look pious, proper and
beautiful. But, the spiritual challenge
is to see the divine in all, to serve all
-- from the highest King to the sickest
leper -- as though they are
manifestations of God.
Through this selfless service, we not
only benefit those whom we are serving,
but we also benefit ourselves
immeasureably. Our hearts fill with joy,
with peace and with love. Our lives
become full of meaning.