Indian Culture � the world
is one family
on Rakhi, the brothers and sisters do not have to be blood
relatives. That is the beauty of Indian culture. Our
tradition tells us that the world is our brother and sister.
On this day of Raksha Bandan, a girl can tie a rakhi on the
wrist of any boy or man to whom she feels a close bond.
Then, from that day forth, they will call each other
�sister� and �brother.�
In this way, relationships are strengthened,
solidified and purified. The tradition of Rakhsha Bandhan
symbolizes and underscores the way Indians live together as
brother and sister -- relationships filled with love,
devotion and affection, but devoid of lust, attraction or
The Bond
of Rakhi
the tradition of Rakhi has created a beautiful, sacred way
for women and girls to be protected during times of
political and social turmoil. Even as men injure and
dishonor women, no one would injure his own sister. The bond
of rakhi is held so sacred that no man would dare leave his
rakhi sister unprotected, let alone actually injure her
himself. For example, the ancient Muslim ruler of India,
Humayun, was obligated to protect the Hindu princess
Karmavati, even in spite of all political and social
sanctions against Karmavati and her family. Why? Because the
princess had sent Humayun a rakhi.
holiday, like all Indian festivals, has a divine, sacred
beginning. During the time of the Mahabharat, Lord Krishna
threw a celestial weapon at
Shishupala in order to punish him for his numerous
sins. However, as Lord Krishna hurled the weapon at
Shishupala, the Lord cut his own finger. Draupadi
immediately tore off a piece from her sari and wrapped it
around Lord Krishna�s finger, stopping the bleeding. Lord
Krishna asked her what she wanted in return for this favor.
�Nothing, Oh Lord,� she replied. �Just your holy
presence in my life, at all times.� So, from that moment
forth, Lord Krishna promised Draupadi that He would always
be with her and that He would always protect her. Later, as
the Kauravas tried to dishonor Draupadi by removing her sari
in a public hall, she called to Lord Krishna who immediately
came to her rescue.
with God
shows us more than simply the bond between a brother and
sister or the promise of security. This teaches us a
valuable lesson about our own relationship with God.
Draupadi gave to Lord Krishna one small strand from her
sari. In return, Lord Krishna gave Draupadi an endless,
infinite sari, one which could never be removed. When we
come forward toward the Lord, even one small step, He comes
toward us by miles. When we offer one small strand of our
lives at His holy feet, the rewards are infinite.
brothers and Sisters across the globe
this holy day of Raksha Bandhan there is so much to learn,
so many vows to make. First, there are the ancient,
traditional meanings, whereby girls and women remember their
brothers � far and near � with love and affection. In
exchange, all men and boys promise to protect their sisters
� both against physical harm, and also against dishonor to
their name or to their family. These are as crucial today as
they were in the past.
perhaps even more importantly, we must realize that the only
way the world will survive is united as one family. Thus,
now, we must also take the deeper, underlying meaning of
Rakhi. We must vow to make the world our brothers and
sisters � not only in theory, but also in practice.
Let us use rakhi as a symbol of our universal
brotherhood. May our girls and women lead the way toward
this universal family as they tie rakhi bracelets on the
wrists of not only their closest male friends, but also on
the wrists of enemies. Let us use this holiday to reach out
to those around us, embracing them as brother and sister.
we come upon the anniversary of September 11, let us take a
renewed vow to pray and to work for a world in which
everyone is united as sister and brother. In our families we
frequently disagree. One sister likes tea, while another
prefers coffee. One brother is an athlete and another is a
musician who thinks that sports are a violent waste of time.
One worships Lord Krishna, while another worships Lord
Shiva. But, amidst these differing opinions and paths, there
is an underlying respect and harmony. There is a feeling,
despite all differences, that �we are family.� When we
truly realize that all people, of all races and all
religions are our brothers and sisters, then and only then
will we be able to live together harmoniously and
lovingly, even amidst a myriad of traditions, paths and
brothers and sisters in the animal kingdom
our hearts open and our arms extend outwards to embrace all
of humanity, let us also open our hearts and our hands to
our brothers and sisters in the universal family whom we
call �animals.� Let
us realize how cruelly and inhumanely the cows, pigs,
chickens and turkeys of the world are treated, simply so
people can enjoy a nice hamburger, piece of fried chicken or
cake with eggs. Let us open our hearts and our ears to the
cries of mother cows whose babies have been wrested from
them at birth in order to become hamburgers. Let us open our
hearts and eyes to the sight of these animals whose skin is
cut from their bleeding bodies while they are still living,
breathing and feeling.
Let us open our eyes to the sight of egg-laying hens
crammed together so tightly into cages that they can neither
move, nor even lift a wing or lie down, starved of food and
water. Let us watch the newborn male chicks (who because
they are male won�t be able to grow up and lay eggs)
thrown into garbage bags to suffocate or thrown live into
meat grinders where they will then become the food for other
people say, �Well the Bible says that God granted man
dominion over the animals, so it�s okay.� Dominion does
not mean the right to use, torture and destroy at will.
Dominion means a responsibility to protect, to care for, to
watch over. We have been deemed as the �caretakers� of
the animals, not as their predators. If your parents go out
to the movies and leave you in charge of your younger
brothers and sisters, could you kill them and eat them? Is
that what dominion means? Of course not. You were left in
charge of caring for them and protecting them.
us realize that our brothers and sisters in the animal
kingdom, weep helplessly when separated from their mothers
at birth and scream in pain when injured, just as we do. Let
us realize that we are defying the order of God and the path
of dharma when we knowingly and unnecessarily cause such
pain, trauma and suffering to our 4-legged brothers and
this sacred day of Rakhi, let us vow to offer our protection
to every mother cow whose baby is turned into beef, to every
mother hen whose beak and toes are cut off and who is
starved and deprived of water so that she will lay eggs
quicker, to every chicken who is hung upside down on a sharp
hook and de-skinned while frequently still living. Let us
see these animals as our dear sisters who need and deserve
our protection.
more information about the violent atrocities of the meat
and poultry industries, please read The Food Revolution by
John Robbins).
The true
Rakhsha Bandhan
and most importantly, let us offer the rakhi of our heart to
the Lord. For He is our true brother, our true sister, our
true protector. It
is to Him that we want to be eternally tied. The divine
rakhi that you offer to the Lord will never become untied,
never become faded and will never break. He will forever
protect you, forever be with you and forever love you.