The first Rishikesh Animal Rescue Project ran from 27th January to February 10th at Parmarth Niketan, bringing together trained and talented Veterinarians from Russia, coordinated by Animal Liberty organization based in Siberia, with volunteers from the community, hosted and supported by Parmarth Niketan and the Divine Shakti Foundation (DSF).
The goal of the project is to bring “ABC” (Animal Birth Control) or “family planning” options – spaying and neutering – to the dogs in the Rishikesh area, a service which until now has been wholly unavailable for the dogs here. In addition to providing “family planning” procedures for these dogs, we will also be vaccinating all the dogs against rabies and treating the dogs for any other medical issues they come in with, whether that be mange, worms, or even broken bones. Most of the dogs of this area lack basic veterinary care.
A special portion of the beautiful ashram premises has been offered generously to bring the dogs in and also set up for surgeries and treatment as well as recovery. DSF volunteers have facilitated the necessary permissions and cooperation with the local authorities and municipality.
The Parmarth and DSF family warmly welcomed veterinarians Nastya Batueva and Alexsandr Tareev to the team and offers their deepest gratitude to Dr. Ivan Donetc, Dr. Marina Bortcova, Dr. Ekaterina Polyakova for their selfless service. We also extend a very special thanks to Ms. Sofie Oshochenko, who is also the divine shakti behind and coordinator of this initiative, bringing much needed “ABC” (Animal Birth Control) or “family planning” options – spaying and neutering – to the dogs in the Rishikesh area.
Approximately 60 dogs underwent sterilization surgery and received basic preventative vet care during a course of twelve days.
This week the second phase of the project has started in Parmarth’s Veerpur Vatika from the 10-15th Feb to serve animals of that region.