Pujya Swamiji’s Message to Christian Faith Leaders in Africa recently just ahead of Easter Sunday and call to stay home, stay safe and to practice our faith from our homes and from our hearts.
He added, “Faith Leaders, you are great agents of change. We need to come together, now more then ever, and urge our governments to take the lead in helping communities address COVID-19. We can only fight the spread of the Corona Virus together as one. Let us bring our congregations online. Be online and become aligned with the divine.”
He also led a special prayer for all those who have lost their lives due to Corona and for their families strength through these difficult times.
His address was during a webinar yesterday with the theme of PROACTIVE FAITH LEADERSHIP IN THE TIME OF CRISIS, organised by the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance, in partnership with UNICEF TANZANIA. This was the second in GIWA’s series of Interfaith Webinars on the topic of the #CoronaCrisis.