Pujya Swamiji travelled out to the village of Sangha recently, nearly two hours into the Himalayan mountains from Kathmandu, to lay the first bricks of the Buddha Temple He had pledged to support the community rebuild after the devastating earthquake in Nepal completely destroyed it in 2015. The entire village gathered to welcome Him, offering silk scarves to honour His arrival to their village. He laid down the first bricks and blessed the location for the proposed temple. He emphasised that Bhagawan Buddha spent much of His time in the Himalayas and today when the mountains are being deforested, subject to #climatechange and natural disasters, it is vital for the communities living in these divine mountains to work together in protecting and preserving their sacred natural, cultural and spiritual heritage. The villagers agreed unanimously and showed their commitment to ensure the proposed Buddha Temple would be a green inspiration to the world.
Read the story of Pujya Swamiji’s very first visit to the village: https://www.facebook.com/sadhvibhagawati/posts/10152757283990667