At this beautiful time of New Year, as we say goodbye to 2019 and usher in 2020, let us pledge to give birth to a New Dream and inspire ourselves to live green, more eco-friendly lives, in every moment and in every minute of our lives. The choices we make in our everyday life impact the kind of world we are building now and for the future. Hence, living “green” reminds us to live like Mother Nature, interconnected, alive, growing, changing and sharing with one another. There is a beautiful example we can take from the Redwood forest:
The Redwood forests in California are hundreds of years old. These gorgeous and often-times mammoth trees grow hundreds of feet tall, so you would assume that their roots must be deeply rooted into the ground in order to support such huge, strong growth. Yet, the roots of the redwood tree are actually not deep at all. Rather, their support comes from the fact that they are interconnected with the roots of the trees around them. In this way, the entire forest is held up by every tree being connected to those next to it. A signal from one tree can pass through an entire large forest by the intricate network of interlinking roots.This is the same in our lives. When we feel we are isolated and alone in this world, when we feel our actions don’t matter, we don’t realize that every action, every choice and even every thought is connected, deeply to the world in which we live. Our own actions, choices and habits are the seeds which create our world.
So at this time of the New Year, let us resolve to bring into our lives the strong connection of the Redwood Trees. Let us realize that our own growth and our own roots are sustaining and nourishing the community and the world around us