Param Pujya Swamiji’s incredible talk during Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya Jayanti shares so beautifully, “Bhagawan Adi Shankaracharya ji’s accomplishments are tremendous but his call for unity and oneness is something that not only united India then but continues to unite India now. Today, let us reflect on His Prakatya Diwas (the day incarnated in this form) on his teachings and his touch. Let us learn about how he was the incredible confluence of buddhi (intellect), suddhi (purity) and siddhi (perfection) and through his divine example illustrated the beautiful coming together of bhakti (devotion), gyan (wisdom) and karma (yoga in action) yoga.”
In His speech Pujya Swamiji compares the path of Bhakti and Gyan as two ways of approaching the same Divine- by singing the verses of Pujya Adi Shankaracharyaji and Bhagat Surdasji (whose birthday also coincided with the celebrations) He says how one path is nothing but God and another path is seeing everything in God.
Watch this riveting, delightful and melodious talk by Pujya Swamiji