Watch this divine message from Pujya Swamiji on the auspicious day of Krishna Janmasthami. Krishna Janmasthami is the celebration of the day that Bhagwan Krishna incarnated in human form upon the Earth. Today as people all over the world renact and celebrate his birth, let us also take this time to reflect and introspect upon how Lord Krishna can incarnate in our own lives. Let us reflect on how His divine light, His divine message and His divine grace can continue to shine, on and on, upon every moment and every minute of our own lives. His wisdom is such that it is timeless and eternal, infinite and universal. When we allow His wisdom and His message shine in our own lives then we can celebrate Janmasthmi everyday.
Krishna Janmasthami Blessings During Ganga Aarti: As we celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna in human form, let us also reaffirm our pledge to work together to make this world a place in which He can live, play and perform His leelas. Let us ensure that the beautiful trees, mountains, rivers and all of Mother Nature not only survive, but thrive! Pujya Swamiji inspires us to give Thakurji (Lord Krishna) the gift of a clean and green planet by stopping the use of plastic, abating pollution, planting trees, and protecting Mother Earth!
Listen to a very special Krishna Janmasthami Satsang by Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji , in which she gives beautiful insights from the life of Lord Krishna to guide each of us in living a life of yoga.
Live Krishna Janmasthami Celebrations & A Message from Pujya Swamiji at Parmarth: