31 JANUARY 2020 RISHIKESH: In India, the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is considered to be the premier civil service, the backbone of the administrative machinery of the Government of India. It is an enormous honour and blessing when one is certified by the agency. So, when Joint Director, Uttarakhand Academy of Administration, Shri Navneet Pandeji, brought 30 of his newest certified civil servants to Parmarth Niketan to meet with HH Pujya Swamiji, it was an auspicious occasion, indeed.
Charged with carrying out the policies of the country’s elected ministers, these dedicated and hard-working individuals are also expected to maintain absolute integrity, allegiance to the Constitution and the laws of the Nation, patriotism, national pride, devotion to duty, honesty, impartiality and transparency.
The last day of their training at the Academy before joining their services concluded with the world-famous Ganga Aarti on the holy banks of Mother Ganga, where Pujya Swamiji inspired them to be the change that they want to see in the world.
He led everyone in a pledge to protect the National River Ganga, to conserve water, plant trees and end the use of single-use plastics. He also shared that our selfless service to our community and to humanity is true worship!
After the Aarti, the group enjoyed a precious and special Darshan and interaction with Pujya Swamiji. One of the assembled officers asked Pujya Swamiji what is true spirituality, to which Pujya Swamiji responded, “Being connected to the Spirit and thereby to see everyone as a reflection of that Spirit.”
“It’s not about having more,” He continued, “but about being more. It’s about being connected to others and serving others. It’s about realising that Giving is Living and Living is Giving. That’s what Spirituality is.”
Pujya Swamiji shared briefly about His 15 years in the jungle, performing rigorous penance in preparation for His renunciation. He shared that after 15 years when He emerged from silence, His Guru told Him that the most important thing – before going to any temple or place of worship, more important than anything – was to reduce the suffering and pain of others and that that was the true home of God.
Pujya Swamiji further shared that what these young men and women are being called to do is more than just their duty but really their dharma. And, that they must perform their service and fulfill their dharma by being deeply connected to their roots and to their values. He encouraged them to stay grounded, He added, “When we can see and be the oneness that in itself is the essence of spirituality. When we live with the attitude of not what for me but what through me that is the essence of spirituality.’”
The group was left truly inspired and deeply grateful by Pujya Swamiji’s insightful and inspiring words,and wholeheartedly joined with Him in a traditional water-blessing ceremony signifying their collective prayers and pledge to protect and conserve water. As Pujya Swamiji shared, “Water equates to life. Therefore, we must come together to protect water because, by doing so, we protect our future. You are not only the leaders of the next generation but the now generation – you must become the guardians of our natural resources.”