“On this auspicious day of Dhanteras,” declares HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, “let us understand the true meaning of prosperity and focus on filling only our Self, not only our shelf! In life, you either focus on your shelf or you focus on yourself. If we spend our lives trying to fill our shelves, at the end of it we realize that our self feels pretty empty.
“So, we must return to the old values. These aren’t just Hindu values; they are universal values. Values that tell us that True Wealth is when our Self is filled with Love, Compassion, Gratitude, Service and Peace – and our shelf is filled with just enough that we may live simply, so that others may simply live.
“Just as Lord Dhanwantari, the god of Ayurveda, emerged immortal from the Samudra Manthan, may we all find that true wealth and awaken to a life of health, happiness and harmony by God’s infinite and divine Grace.”
Wishing you a Blessed Dhanteras!