On the 6th day of the 28th annual world famous International Yoga Festival, the 4:00 am Kundalini Sadhana was led by Gurushabd Singh Khalsa of Los Angeles CA. Hikaru Hashimoto of Tokyo, Japan taught Paramita Dharma Yoga – Understanding the Heart Sutra and Zen Meditation. Akira Watamoto from Japan taught the integration of the body-mind-relationship with asana alignment. Anand Mehrotra from Rishikesh gave a class on Sattva Yoga, combining asana, pranayama, meditation, kriya, and wisdom. Roberto Milleti of Italy taught a class on Odaka Yoga, while others listened to the soothing, melodious mantra chanting by Anandra George as the sun rose over the banks of Mother Ganga. Parmanand Aggarwal and Shilpa Joshi also shared their wisdom with the participants on science and yoga and Chandanni and Chris Miglino led an Osho Dynamic Meditation.
In the intensive asana classes, Bharath Shetty taught an innovative Hip Opener and back bending asana class. H.S. Arun of Bangalore led a special unfolding backbend class, Tommy Rosen taught an invigorating and flowing Vinyasa class in the Ashtanga style/tradition and Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa of California, United States led a Kundalini Yoga Class. This was following by a inspiring discourses by Radhanath Swamiji and Swami Shantatmanandaji. After enjoying their lunch sitting on tables in the sunshine and dining tents, all participants joined together for a beautiful and transforming session on One Source Waking Up. The speakers included Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Bharat Mitra, founder and president of ORGANIC INDIA and UPLIFT, Dr. Bruce Lipton, bestselling author of the Biology of relief and internationally recognized leader bridging science and spirit, Ron Sharma, a well known writer, musician and communicator of peace, dialogue and harmony through music and Prince EA, a young poet whose mission in life is to create positive, inspiring and thought provoking content that spreads awareness to his listeners/viewers to recognize the power, peace and equanimity within themselves. Everyone was inspired by the speakers, and danced along for world peace, singing together “OM Shalom, Salaam, Amen”.
This was followed by a sacred Ganga yagna and aarti ceremony in which everyone from all corners of the world gathered together to give thanks to the Divine, by any name, any form, any religion. All participated with great love and devotion. In the evening we had a very special musical performance with renowned musicians from Israel Artists from Israel, Turkey and Australia and many other countries, led by Bharat Mitra, Founder- President of Organic India and eminent Israeli artist Gill Ron Shama and his interfaith band from Israel, Australia, America, Turkey and many other countries shared their music at the 28th Annual International Yoga Festival. They shared their music with the message of love and harmony along with a special song for world peace, called One Source Waking Up, in the spirit of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam, bringing together the world’s faiths with the sacred chanting of Om Shalom Salam Amen, signifying a yogic union of countries, cultures, colors and this special song was recorded in each location and will be part of a unique music video. The song will ultimately be chanted by one billion people from all over the world, singing together.